Monday, March 16, 2009

Block 3 March 16th

Choose one ionic compound and one covalent compound and describe their physical properties, similarities, differences and industry uses. How is it also related to green technologies in a positive or negative way.


  1. Alex
    Block 3
    For the Ionic Compound I chose the two compounds sodium and chloride which is common table salt Sodium Chloride. Sodium is a solid compound in the beginning part of the periodic table and chloride is a gas at the end of the periodic table. Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of the ocean and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organisms. Sodium chloride is sometimes used as a cheap and safe desiccant because it appears to have hygroscopic properties, making salting an effective method of food preservation historically. Even though more effective desiccants are available, few are safe for humans to ingest. They don’t have to many similarities but thet form salt which is used all over the world in many different ways.

  2. Tina Xu

    mercury(I) ion + two chloride ions = mercury(I) chloride or mercurous chloride is a ionic compound that is really useful. From the appearance it has a white crystalline powder and it especially harmful to aquatic species. People should avoid any contact with the compound which means don't smell or touch it without protective gear. It is used in the manufacturing of disinfectants. Also used in embalming and photography.

    Methane is a covalent bound that occurs. It is a colorless gas that can not be smelled. That is why they add that distinct smell to the gas. If it makes contact with liquid and is cold then you can get frostbite from it. It is quite stable but is very flammable. Enough can suffocated you in a space with only methane. Methane is used as a cheap fuel source and ammonia for fertilizers. Also it is used for explosives. It isn't good for the environment as it tends to sink as it gets hotter.

    These compounds are similar and different. They are not very good for humans or animals. One should be careful around these compounds. They are useful in their own ways and is used in our daily lives. For the environment it isn't that great as mercury harms the aquatic animals which humans might eat therefore harming them. Methane cannot be smelled or seen so if there was an energy source fire is imminent. Plus methane is not good for the environment as it the cause of greenhouse gas as the temperature increases. For green technology they are not the best things to use .

  3. Valerie Ruiz
    Mrs. G
    Block: 3
    Ionic and Covalent Compounds
    An ionic compound are molecules that consist of charged ions with opposite charges called ionic. These compounds are generally solids with high melting points and conduct electrical current. Ionic compounds are generally formed from metal and non-metal elements.
    One example of an ionic compound could be salt (NaCl). Salt consists of positive ions (Na+) and negative chloride ions (Cl-). On the other hand, the element sodium is a slivery gray metal composed of neutral atoms which react vigorously with water or air. Chlorine as an element is a neutral greenish-yellowish, poisonous diatomic gas (Cl2).
    A covalent compound is formed when two nonmetals react with each other. An example of covalent compound could be Hydrogen because most covalent compounds contain hydrogen. The bond is often represented by a single line drawn between the two atoms. Covalently bonded substances usually include hydrogen and water and most organic substances.
    The differences between an ionic compound and a covalent compound is that most covalent compounds are formed by nonmetals reacting with each other and are mostly related to hydrogen. An ionic compound is formed between both metals and non metals, signifying the difference between the two. Most solvents used by ionic compounds harm the air and cause air pollution, making covalent compounds more useful to the earth.

  4. Javier Banuelos




    Salt(NaCl):Consists of positive ions (Na+) and negative chloride ions (Cl-).
    I chose the two compounds sodium and chloride that is table salt Sodium Chloride. Sodium is a solid compound in the at the beginning stage part in the periodic table and chloride is a gas at the opposite side of the table. Sodium chloride is the salt most found in the salt oceans.. Sodium chloride is used as a cheap reliable resource because it appears hygroscopic properties, making salting a method of food preservation. There is more e desiccants that ca be used, only some are safe for humans to ingest. The two compounds don’t have a lot of similarities A covalent compound is formed when two nonmetals react with each other. substances.

  5. Dushyant Singh
    Block 3
    MS. G

    An ionic compound is a chemical compound in which ions are held together in a lattice structure by ionic bonds. Ionic compounds tend to have high melting and boiling points. They conduct electricity when they dissolve in water. Calcium carbonate is an ionic compound and it’s also a chemical compound. The formula of calcium carbonate is CACO3.Carbon Dioxide is a covalent bond and chemical compound. Its chemical formula is CO2. Chemical compounds are never strictly ionic. Co2 composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. The similarities between these two compounds are that they both are chemical compounds. Carbon dioxide generated by the acid decomposition of calcium carbonate samples inside the syringe.

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  7. Aung Myat
    Block 3

    For ionic compound, I choose Calcium carbonate. It form crystals, have high melting and boiling points and are very hard and very brittle. It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid. The main use of calcium carbonate is in the construction industry, either as a building material in its own right or limestone aggregate for roadbuilding or as an ingredient of cement or as the starting material for the preparation of builder's lime by burning in a kiln.
    Calcium carbonate can be added to neutralize the effects of acid rain in river ecosystems. Currently calcium carbonate is used to neutralize acidic conditions in both soil and water.
    H2O generally have much lower melting and boiling points than ionic compounds. Covalent compounds are soft and squishy (compared to ionic compounds, anyway) and tend to be more flammable than ionic compounds and Covalent compounds don't conduct electricity in water. For use of H2O, it is used to grow trees and keep human alive.

  8. There is a significant difference between the physical properties of NaCl and Cl2, which results from the difference between the ionic bonds in NaCl and the covalent bonds in Cl2.
    Each Na+ ion in NaCl is surrounded by six Cl- ions, and vice versa. Removing an ion from this compound therefore involves breaking at least six bonds. Some of these bonds would have to be broken to melt NaCl, and they would all have to be broken to boil this compound. As a result, ionic compounds such as NaCl tend to have high melting points and boiling points. Ionic compounds are therefore solids at room temperature.Cl2 consists of molecules in which one atom is tightly bound to another,The covalent bonds within these molecules are at least as strong as an ionic bond, but we don't have to break these covalent bonds to separate one Cl2 molecule from another. As a result, it is much easier to melt Cl2 to form a liquid or boil it to form a gas, and Cl2 is a gas at room temperature.
    The difference between ionic and covalent bonds also explains why aqueous solutions of ionic compounds conduct electricity, while aqueous solutions of covalent compounds do not. When a salt dissolves in water, the ions are released into solution.These ions can flow through the solution, producing an electric current that completes the circuit. When a covalent compound dissolves in water, neutral molecules are released into the solution, which cannot carry an electric current.
    When two chlorine atoms come together to form a covalent bond, each atom contributes one electron to form a pair of electrons shared equally by the two atoms, as shown in the figure below. When a sodium atom combines with a chlorine atom to form an ionic bond, each atom still contributes one electron to form a pair of electrons, but this pair of electrons is not shared by the two atoms. The electrons spend most of their time on the chlorine atom.
    Ionic and covalent bonds differ in the extent to which a pair of electrons is shared by the atoms that form the bond. When one of the atoms is much better at drawing electrons toward itself than the other, the bond is ionic. When the atoms are approximately equal in their ability to draw electrons toward themselves, the atoms share the pair of electrons more or less equally, and the bond is covalent. As a rule of thumb, metals often react with nonmetals to form ionic compounds or salts, and nonmetals combine with other nonmetals to form covalent compounds.

  9. Amber Abadia
    Block 3
    Ms. G

    In chemistry an Ionic compound is a chemical compound in which ions are held together in a lattice structure by ionic bonds. Usually, the positively charged portion consists of metal cations and the negatively charged portion is an anion or polyatomic ion. Ions in ionic compounds are held together by the electrostatic force between oppositely charged bodies. Ionic compounds have a high melting and boiling point, and they have a high hardness and are very brittle.

    Ions can be single atoms, as the sodium and chloride in common table salt sodium chloride, or more complex groups such as the carbonate in calcium carbonate. But to be considered an ion, they must carry a positive or negative charge. in ionic bond, one must have a positive charge and the other a negative one. By sticking to each other, they resolve, or partially resolve, their separate charge imbalances. Positive to positive and negative to negative ionic bonds do not occur.

    i got my information from

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  11. Van Phan

    Those molecules that consist of charged ions with opposite charges are called Ionic. These ionic compounds are generally solids with high melting points and conduct electrical current. Ionic compounds are generally formed from metal and a non-metal elements.
    One example is Sodium Chloride.Sodium chloride, also known as common salt, table salt, or halite, is a chemical compound with the formula NaCl. Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of the ocean and of the extracellular fluid of many multi-cellular organisms. As the major ingredient in edible salt, it is commonly used as a condiment and food preservative.
    Covalent bond a chemical bond between two atoms or radicals formed by the sharing of a pair, two pairs, or three pairs of electrons.

  12. Ye Aung
    Block - 3

    Sodium chloride(NaCl), also known as table salt, is an example of an ionic compound while methane(CH4) is a covalent compound. Some of sodium chlorides properties include a boiling point of 1738 K, a melting point of 1074 K, a white coloring, a crystalline solid form, a lack of odor, a density of 2.16g/cm^3), a molar mass of 58.44 g/mol, and a refractive index of 589 nm. Methane’s properties include a molar mass of 16.042 g/mol, a colorless appearance a density of either 0.717 kg/m^3(gas) or 415 kg/m^3(solid), a melting point of 91 K, and a boiling print of 112 K. Methane and sodium chloride have no significant similarities worth noting but differ in their states methane being most commonly found in a gaseous state while sodium chloride is only found as a solid. Methane is an environmentally friendly fuel die to its low emissions of carbon dioxide. If it becomes more widely used it could possibly help with global warming issue as well as the oil crisis. Sodium chloride is highly effective in reducing salt in an environment, but too much can kill plant life in the vicinity so its use in this area is highly debated. However, it is used by some as a household cleaning agent so it could hypothetically replace harmful chemical cleaning products.

  13. Blair Slavazza
    Block 3
    Ms. G

    I chose a covalent compound to compare with an ionic compound. Cu2+F which is also known as copper (II) fluoride is an ionic compound. It is white in color and like a powder. When it is hydrated it turns to a blue color. NH3 is known as ammonia. This is a covalent bond. It is found in gas form and has an incredibly bad odor. Their melting points are completely different, ammonia being very low while copper fluoride is extremely high. They are both found in small quantities in the environment. Neither of these compounds present everyday household use, but are used in scientific experiments everyday.
